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联系卖家: 吴永乐 先生   QQ在线咨询2852583636
手机号码: 18918474499
公司官网: www.mulcoo.cpoo...
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BRECO? AT timing belts - 20% h

发布时间:2015-10-29 02:49:45        

BRECO Antriebstechnik now offers high performance timing belts with AT profile that h***e a 20% higher specific tooth load bearing capacity than the previous series. This makes it possible to build much more compact drives and achieve even greater precision than before. This improvement in performance was achieved by "fine-tuning" of the numerous process parameters and the PU material itself.

The increased precision reduces the very ***all but inevitable relative motion of the timing belt with respect to the pulleys and thus lowers the contact temperature. Additionally optimised geometrical alignment of the timing belt and pulley achieves tooth meshing with an even ***aller friction path, improved load distribution and thus ***aller peak load at the tooth. The improved quality of the high-tensile steel cord tension members and the bifilar winding has a positive effect on the running properties in the belt drive.

The high performance timing belts are ***ailable in the variants "truly endless" (BRECOFLEX) and "spliced and welded" by the metre (BRECO). The improved performance data of the AT polyurethane timing belts h***e already been included in the online calculation program Mulco belt-pilot. New PDF catalogues for the BRECO and BRECOFLEX polyurethane timing belts are ***ailable for download.

Simply click one of these links to access the Mulco belt-pilot website.

BRECOFLEX AT profiles - Power tran***ission
BRECO AT profiles - Linear technology
BRECO AT profiles - Transport technology

You can download the brochure as a PDF document in our download section.

BRECO, BRECOFLEX timing belts - Brochure Download

Garbsen, 7th April 2014
Mulco-Europe EWIV


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