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企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 上海 上海
联系卖家: 吴永乐 先生   QQ在线咨询2852583636
手机号码: 18918474499
公司官网: www.mulcoo.cpoo...
公司地址: 上海奉贤区南桥镇延安中心路516号

Cleanly solved

发布时间:2015-10-29 02:48:37        

Rustproof linear module with timing belt drive suitable for use in the food industry

There are few industrial applicati*** in which hygiene plays such an important role as in the food industry. The German Engineering Federation (VDMA) estimates that the proportion of time spent on cleaning in the food industry is 20 to 30 percent. Hygienically designed machines for processing foodstuffs therefore offer huge potential s***ings thanks to shorter cleaning times, easier cleaning and maintenance, and a higher degree of safety.

Proven design features are ***ooth surfaces, as few edges as possible, no protruding threads, no ***all inside radii and no pockets if possible. Conventional linear modules for the food industry driven by timing belts meet most of these standa*** with regard to hygiene. The belt drive is enclosed inside a cast aluminium profile for several reas***. The timing belt and carriage are sealed from the outside by cover belts, scrapers and sealing strips – a proven but complex solution. The risk of contamination of the dead spaces in the profile cannot be completely prevented, which is why sealing or purge air is used to keep fluids and solids out in order to prevent the build up of bacteria. However, sealing or purge air in the food industry also has to meet particular requirements of purity (solids, water and oil content) if it comes into direct contact with food. As well as h***ing to provide compressed air and the connection to the linear module, additional filter cascades may also be necessary.


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  • 吴永乐先生 QQ在线咨询2852583636
  • 手机:18918474499
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